Perils of the Atlantean Bracelet

A psychic quest into the blurred lines between real and imaginary

Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine
20 min readFeb 23, 2021


Title text: “Perils of the Atlantean Bracelet” and Sandragon logo superimposed on photo of glowing bracelet on a bed of snow.
Atlantean bracelet image used with permission from Sandragon artists


If you have arrived at this article already familiar with the psychic discipline of remote viewing, there are some background sections you may wish to skim through. Please don’t expect a detailed analysis.



Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

r/remoteviewing mod, dreamer, degrees in pharmacy, business & molecular biology, Latter-day Saint priest, father, meditator, uniformed health officer, weirdo