How (Not) to Find Missing Objects with Remote Viewing

An episode of panic, police, and psychic power

Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine
10 min readNov 10, 2020


In script: “Topography.” An image of a hill, photographic on one side, sketched on the other. Includes a quote by woo-d-woo
This will all make sense later — photo and graphics by the author (via Canva) except for half of an intuitive scribble by Woo D Woo

Boop. The two ladies rifle through loose papers and converse in Spanish, trying to discern what the heck kind of vegetable I have brought to their register. Solving my masterful puzzle requires so much concentration that they can’t spare a moment to acknowledge my presence. Might I have a future…



Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

r/remoteviewing mod, dreamer, degrees in pharmacy, business & molecular biology, Latter-day Saint priest, father, meditator, uniformed health officer, weirdo